Florida’s Wholesale Solution

Reliable and resilient. Built for maximum bandwidth and speed. Fully customizable and simple to implement. Plus, support from the only Florida-based provider that serves only Florida. Summit Broadband builds and operates the infrastructure. And we’ve been serving this state for more than a quarter century. Our wholesale solutions come with something you can’t get anywhere else – a dedicated partner that knows what it takes to do business here.

Ethernet Services

An interface that simplifies the LAN/WAN boundary and enables rapid and flexible service provisioning.

  • Metro, intercity
  • Speeds from 10 Mbps to 400 Gbps
  • Flexible and scalable NNIs
  • Rapid provisioning

Dark Fiber Solutions

Fiber-optic connectivity that your clients can fully manage

  • Dedicated private network
  • Infinitely scalable
  • Control your own network
  • Metro and intercity

Tower and Mobile Backhaul

A strong metro footprint that provides comprehensive market coverage with most locations on-net or near-net.

  • Ethernet and Dark Fiber
  • 100% fiber backbone
  • Scalable
  • Quick time to market

Wavelength Service

Single or multiple wave multiplexing that ensures your clients have constant access to fast and reliable speeds.

  • 10, 40 and 400 Gbps
  • High-Performance SLAs
  • Scalable
  • Customized network design

4,300+ Miles of
Fiber-Optics in Florida

  • Our owned and operated fiber-optic network is distributed across Florida
  • Core & Edge Network occupying over 88 facilities
  • Florida Intercity Network offering 400 Gbps capability through 64 channel reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM)
  • 99.999% core reliability with IP solutions deploying
  • Ciena® networking technology
  • 15,000+ towers within 1,000 feet of our fiber
  • 40,000+ on net/near net buildings

Want to Learn More about Wholesale Solutions?

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